Significant gifts are given by people who possess a willing heart. DSI ensures that you properly identify, engage, and invite individuals of means to stand with your organization using one of DSI’s Major Gifts Ramp-Up Programs.

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Campaigns

MGRU CAMPAIGNS are comprehensive and based on DSI’s signature outcome called the “Three-Part Ask” including gifts for operations, capital projects, and endowment. DSI can lead your organization in any combination of the campaigns outlined below.


Operations campaigns are the primary fundraising method used to broaden support, upgrade giving levels, and provide operating revenue for on-going programs. MGRU integrates current fundraising promotions with major gifts cultivation to form a single development system that considers the needs of a donor first, resulting in a sustained long-term financial relationship.


Capital projects are the primary fundraising method used to broaden support, upgrade giving levels, and secure gifts for facilities and new program expansion. MGRU ensures that single “stretch gifts” are secured for one time projects without compromising revenues relied upon for operations and annual fund.


The ultimate major gift your organization will receive is given by the donor who desires to associate their legacy with your mission and purpose. DSI’s approach to the estate planning process integrates sound personal financial advice concerning the individual donor’s plans for lifetime or testamentary giving, which results in the expansion of a long-term endowment.


  1. Determine case for support & campaign goal through organizational development
  2. Design comprehensive campaign task map & schedule
  3. Secure brand new donors who care about your mission
  4. Launch the prospect cultivation process
  5. Identify and secure campaign cabinet prospects to serve as volunteers
  6. Identify and secure initial lead gifts
  7. Perform campaign interviews for pre-solicitations
  8. Engage cultivated donors using the “Three Part Ask”

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Board Training

DSI specializes in motivating leaders to new heights of participation through board training that inspires volunteerism and involvement. Training is designed for current board members, potential board members and nonprofit executive staff members ready to understand what is required of members who truly make a difference. Board members will understand their role in Major Gifts Ramp-Up; learn the basic concepts of parliamentary procedure; how to run effective, efficient and productive meetings; the responsibility of officers; types of motions; how to prepare for meetings and “say the right things” during meetings; how to read monthly financial reports; what to look for in an audit; questions to ask the auditor and CFO, and much much more.


  1. Major Gifts Ramp-Up & the Board’s Role in Fundraising
  2. Models of Good Governance
  3. Implementing Sarbanes-Oxley
  4. Principles, Best Practices & Conflicts of Interest
  5. Parliamentary Procedure & Board Meetings That Work
  6. New Board Member Orientation & Handbook Development
  7. Playing 20 Questions With Your Board of Directors

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Strategic Planning

DSI will lead your team through the disciplined effort of a strategic plan that produces decisions and actions which will shape and guide your organization’s future. Our planning process is progressive and results in organizational growth through the birthing of great dreams backed by sound plans. DSI counselors will help you take the risk of seeing the future and make sure that you chase it with all your heart. DSI’s comprehensive approach includes:


  • Modeling Values
  • Managing Relationships
  • Mastering Change


  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Abilities


  • Software Systems
  • Hardware Infrastructure
  • Online Strategies


  • Programs & Revenues
  • Organizational Structures
  • Policies & Procedures


  • Attitudes
  • Perceptions
  • Relationships

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Cloud <a href="" target="_blank"(Please click here for a complete overview)

MGRU CLOUD contains THOUSANDS OF EDITABLE FILES based on WINNING DOCUMENTS THAT RELATE TO NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT, FUNDRAISING, & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Executives now CUT-AND-PASTE their way through project preparation with fresh material THAT THEY OWN. Executives who use MGRU possess the materials, training, documents, tutorials, presentations, manuals, videos, audios, and curriculum they need to advance their charitable mission. MGRU gives back to nonprofit leaders a small part of their life…it gives them time. They drastically reduce the investment required to create staff training resources, develop board management tools, write major gift solicitations, assemble a foundation proposal, produce a direct mail appeal, host a special event, or launch a fundraising campaign. The resources you need to run your nonprofit are included in MGRU. Organizations that secure MGRU “own” what’s worked for thousands of nonprofits. New resources are ready for you to tweak and trim, revise and adapt, and transform into tools you’ll use for unprecedented success in nonprofit management and the raising of money. Finally, MGRU contains a comprehensive training system ensuring that you and your team internalize the Major Gifts Ramp-Up fundraising model.

Major Gifts Ramp-Up…How It Works


  1. Individual Training and Skills Transference – Onsite Visits
  2. Calling Partnership for Training Purposes – Donor Presentations, Foundations, Corporations, Etc.
  3. Board, Auxiliary, and Volunteer Training – Small group presentations to key individuals
  4. Participatory Management via Phone and Email – Monthly Accountability to Tasks
  5. CFRE & CNC Preparation and Training (Certified Fund Raising Executive & Certified Nonprofit Consulting)
  6. MGRU Cloud Online Web Training Platform