II Corinthians 8-9 (Jimmy LaRose’s Pauline Approach to The Raising of Money) reveals how St. Paul ran his international fundraising campaigns. Jimmy’s discovery IS NOT about tithing but rather Paul’s aggressive approach to asking people to give their best gifts to a humanitarian cause.
II Corinthians 8-9 (Jimmy LaRose’s Pauline Approach to The Raising of Money)
Here’s The Back-Story:
- Third Missionary Journey…Campaign to Raise Money for Starving Saints in Jerusalem
- Referenced by Paul in letters to the Romans, Galatians, Philippians & Corinthians
- Passage contrasts/compares Macedonian and Corinthian giving
Our Father Co-Laborers With Man
II Corinthians 8:1
“Now I want you to know, dear brothers and sisters, what God in his kindness has done through the churches in Macedonia.”
Financial State
II Corinthians 8:2
“They are being tested by many troubles, and they are very poor. But they are also filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity.”
Above & Beyond Giving
II Corinthians 8:3
“For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford, but far more. And they did it of their own free will.”
Desire to Participate
II Corinthians 8:4
“They begged us again and again for the privilege of sharing in the gift for the believers In Jerusalem.”
Philanthropic Priorities
II Corinthians 8:5
“They even did more than we had hoped, for their first action was to give themselves to the Lord and to us, just as God wanted them to do.”
Personal Relationship…
II Corinthians 8:6
“So we have urged Titus, who encouraged your giving in the first place, to return to you and encourage you to finish this ministry of giving.”
The Charge…
II Corinthians 8:7
“Since you excel in so many ways—in your faith, your gifted speakers, your knowledge, your enthusiasm, and your love from us—I want you to excel also in this gracious act of giving.”
True Love…Proof by Measurement
II Corinthians 8:8
“I am not commanding you to do this. But I am testing how genuine your love is by comparing it with the eagerness of the other churches.”
The Ultimate Gift…
II Corinthians 8:9
“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.”
Biblical One Year Pledge Program
II Corinthians 8:10
“Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago. Last year you were the first who wanted to give, and you were the first to begin doing it.”
Reducing Attrition
II Corinthians 8:11
“Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have.”
The Capacity to Give
II Corinthians 8:12
“Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.”
Financial Equity with the Body
II Corinthians 8:13-14
“Of course, I don’t mean your giving should make life easy for others and hard for yourselves. I only mean that there should be some equality. Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty and can share with you when you need it. In this way, things will be equal.”
Re-Distribution of Wealth
II Corinthians 8:15 (Ex 16:18)
As the Scriptures say, “Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough.”
Special Event Coordinator
II Corinthians 8:16-17
“But thank God! He has given Titus the same enthusiasm for you that I have. Titus welcomed our request that he visit you again. In fact, he is very eager to see you.”
Special Speaker
II Corinthians 8:18-19
“We are also sending another brother with Titus. All the churches praise him as a preacher of the Good News. He was appointed by the churches to accompany us…”
The High Office of Fundraising
II Corinthians 8:19
“…as we take the offering to Jerusalem…”
“…a service that glorifies the Lord…”
“…and shows our eagerness to help.”
Commitment to Accountability
II Corinthians 8:20-21
“We are traveling together to guard against any criticism for the way we are handling this generous gift. We are careful to be honorable before the Lord, but we also want everyone else to see that we are honorable.”
Campaign Volunteer
II Corinthians 8:22
“We are also sending with them another of our brothers who has proven himself many times and has shown on many occasions how eager he is. He is now even more enthusiastic because of his great confidence in you.”
Paul, Titus, Apollos, Luke…Your Campaign Cabinet
II Corinthians 8:23
“If anyone asks about Titus, say that he is my partner who works with me to help you. And the brothers with him have been sent by the churches, and they bring honor to Christ.”
Announcing Other’s Investment
II Corinthians 8:24
“So show them your love, and prove to all the churches that our boasting about you is justified.”
Ministry of Giving
II Corinthians 9:1
“I really don’t need to write to you about this ministry of giving for the believers in Jerusalem.”
Lead Gifts Foster More Gifts…
II Corinthians 9:2
“For I know how eager you are to help, and I have been boasting to the churches in Macedonia that you in Greece were ready to send an offering a year ago. In fact, it was your enthusiasm that stirred up many of the Macedonian believers to give.”
Ensuring Project Success
II Corinthians 9:3
“But I am sending these brothers to be sure you really are ready, as I have been telling them, and that your money is all collected.”
Paul’s Big Concern…Testimony
II Corinthians 9:3-4
“I don’t want to be wrong in my boasting about you. We would be embarrassed not to mention your own embarrassment if some Macedonian believers came with me and found that you weren’t ready after all I had told them!”
Preparing the Donor’s Heart
II Corinthians 9:5
“So I thought I should send these brothers ahead of me to make sure the gift you promised is ready. But I want it to be a willing gift, not one given grudgingly.”
How It Works…
II Corinthians 9:6
“Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop”
No Manipulation or Arm Twisting
II Corinthians 9:7
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”
The Great Need Meeter
II Corinthians 9:8
“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”
True Memorial Giving
II Corinthians 9:9 (Psa 112:9)
As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”
Supernatural Fundraising
II Corinthians 9:10
“For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.”
Fundraising Produces…Resources
II Corinthians 9:11
“Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous…”
Fundraising Produces…Gratitude
II Corinthians 9:11
“…and when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.”
Fundraising Produces…Results
II Corinthians 9:12
“Good things will result from this ministry of giving…needs of the Jerusalem believers will be met…”
Fundraising Produces…Joy
II Corinthians 9:12
“…and they will joyfully express their thanks to God”
Fundraising Produces…Glory
II Corinthians 9:13
“…and as a result of your ministry, they will give glory to God.”
Fundraising Produces…Testimony
II Corinthians 9:13
“For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove you are obedient to the Good News of Christ.”
Fundraising Produces…Prayer
II Corinthians 9:14
“And they will pray for you…”
Fundraising Produces…Feelings
II Corinthians 9:14
“…with deep affection…”
Fundraising Produces…Grace
II Corinthians 9:14
“…because of the overflowing grace God has given to you.”
The Indescribable Gift
II Corinthians 9:15
“Thank God for His Gift too wonderful for words!”
II Corinthians 8-9 (Jimmy LaRose’s Pauline Approach to The Raising of Money) was first posted at PAX Global
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[…] for annual operating funds, as well as for projects and capital needs, is totally biblical (See: Pauline Principles of Fundraising: Jimmy LaRose). Isn’t being a responsible steward of an organization’s financial stability and sustainability […]
[…] for annual operating funds, as well as for projects and capital needs, is totally biblical (See: Pauline Principles of Fundraising: Jimmy LaRose). Isn’t being a responsible steward of an organization’s financial stability and sustainability […]